NRT (Niagara Reef Trend, Northern Michigan): Recent horizontal redrill prospect was successfully drilled and completed for over 70 BOPD.
TBR (Trenton/Black River, Southern Michigan): Innova was part of the technical team that led to the discovery of the Rice Creek area reservoirs (2006: 3+ MMBO) Napoleon Field (2008: 12+ MMBO ). From these projects, Innova has working interest in over 100 producing TBR oil wells

SRT (Niagara Reef Trend, Southern Michigan): Innova was engaged by two different gas storage companies to provide integrated seismic and well bore delineation of the gas storage reservoir.
Dundee (Central Michigan): Innova designed, acquired, processed and interpreted an exploratory 3D dataset resulting in drillable Dundee HTD prospect with secondary Berea potential. The resultant exploratory well is staked but spud date is currently on hold because of Covid-19 pandemic.